is a header file?
Header files provide the
definitions and declarations for the library functions. Thus, each header file
contains the library functions along with the necessary definitions and
declarations. For example, stdio.h, conio.h, stdlib.h, string.h,
graphics.h etc.
is C token?
The smallest individual units of a
C program are known as tokens. Different types of C Tokens are: Constants,
Identifiers, Keywords, Operators, and Special symbols, Strings.
is a string?
A string is a sequence of
characters ending with NUL. It can be treated as a one–dimensional array of
characters terminated by a NUL character.
Ex- char a[10]; or char
b[]={‘w’,’o’,r’,’l’,’d’}; or char c[]=”world”;
is variable?
An identifier is used to identify
and store some value. If the value of the identifier is changed during the
execution of the program, then the identifier is known as variable
is a keyword?
Keywords are those words of C
which have predefined meaning assigned by the C language. They form a part of
the database required by the C compiler.
Ex: int, char, for, if etc. C
Language 32 keywords.
is data types?
Data types refer to the classes of
data that can be manipulated by C programs. The three fundamental data types
supported by C are character, integer and real type.
Using structure and class we can
create user defined data types.
Ex int a; and similarly employee
Where a is an integer type data
and e is the object / variable of the class / stucture of employee.
What are the different types of
Compile–Time Errors
Linker Errors
Runtime Errors
Logical Errors
is meant by errors and debugging?
Errors may
be made during program creation even by experienced programmers. Such type of
errors are detected by the compiler.
Debugging means removing the errors.
Debugging means removing the errors.
is meant by type casting?
There are two types of casting. i)
implicit and ii) explicit.
Implicit conversation done by
compiler automatically, but explicit conversation done by the user.
Ex: int a; float b=3.14; a=b; char
1st example is for
implicit and 2nd for explicit conversion ex.
are the primitive data types in c?
- There are five different kinds of data types in C.
- Char
- Int
- Float
- Double
- Void
is a loop?
A loop is a process to do a job
repeatedly with possibly different data each time. The statements executed each
time constitute the loop body, and each pass is called iteration. A condition
must be present to terminate the loop.
Ex- for loop, while loop and
do-while loop
is break statement?
When a break is encountered inside
a loop, the loop is terminated and the control passes to the statement
following the body of the loop.
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