Tuesday, October 21, 2014

C Language Placement papers

1. What are the outputs?
    int i;
    printf("%d", &i)+1;
    scanf("%d", i)-1;

a. Runtime error.
b. Runtime error. Access violation.
c. Compile error. Illegal syntax
d. None of the above

Ans : d

printf( ) prints address/garbage of i,
scanf() dont have & sign, so scans address for i
+1, -1 dont hav any effect on code
2. What are the outputs?

 #define SQR(x) x * x
   printf("%d", 225/SQR(15));
a. 1
b. 225
c. 15
d. none of the above

Ans : b
3. What are the outputs?

 int i, j;
 scanf("%d %d"+scanf("%d %d", &i, &j));
 printf("%d %d", i, j);
a. Runtime error.
b. 0, 0
c. Compile error
d. the first two values entered by the user

Ans: d) two values entered, 3rd will be null pointer assignment

4. What are the outputs?
            printf("%d, %d", sizeof('c'), sizeof(100));

a. 1, 2
b. 2, 100
c. 4, 100
d. 4, 4

Ans : 1, 2
5. What are the outputs?
  int i = 100;
  printf("%d", sizeof(sizeof(i)));
a. 2
b. 100
c. 4
d. none of the above

Ans a
6. What are the outputs?
void main ()
 int x = 10;
 printf ("x = %d, y = %d", x--,x++);
a. 10, 10
b. 10, 9
c. 10, 11
d. none of the above

Output: x=11, y=10
7. What are the outputs?
            int i =10, j = 20;
            printf("%d, %d, ", j-- , --i);
            printf("%d, %d ", j++ , ++i);
a. 20, 10, 20, 10
b. 20, 9, 20, 10
c. 20, 9, 19, 10
d. 19, 9, 20, 10 
Ans C
8. What are the outputs?
{          if ((1||0) && (0||1))
                        printf("OK I am done.");
                        printf("OK I am gone.");
a. OK I am done
b. OK I am gone
c. compile error
d. none of the above
Ans a
9. What are the outputs?
  void main(){
            int j=320;
            char *p=(char *)&j;
Ans 64
10 What are the outputs?
#define x 5+2
void main(){
             int i;
Ans 27
11. What are the outputs?
 void main()
             char c=125;
Ans –121
(Char value range +127 to –128, print in cycle order. 125+1= 126,125+2= 127,125+3=-128,125+4=-127,125+5=-126,125+6=-125,125+7=-124,125+8=-123,
12. What are the outputs?
 void main(){
  float i=4.5;
              printf("Equal to(==)");
   else if(i<4.5)
              printf("Less than(<)");
              printf("Greater than(>)");
Ans: Equal to(==)
13.What are the outputs?
 void main(){
  int i=4,x;
  x=++i + ++i + ++i;

Ans 21(x=++i + ++i + ++i= 7 +7+7)
14. What are the outputs?
 void main(){
  int x;
Ans: 6
15. What are the outputs?
  float me = 1.1;
  double you = 1.1;
  printf("I love you");
  printf("I hate you");
Ans : I hate you
16. What are the outputs?
#define clrscr() 100
Ans: 100

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