Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Closure properties of REGULAR Language

  1. The union of two regular languages is regular.
  2. The intersection of two regular languages is regular
  3. The complement of a regular languages is regular
  4. The difference of two regular languages is regular
  5. The reversal of a regular languages is regular
  6. The concatenation of two regular languages is regular
  7. A homomorphism (substitution of strings for symbols) of a regular languages is regular
  8. The inverse homomorphism of a regular languages is regular
  9. If a language L is recursive, then it is recursively enumerable languages.

Recursively Enumerable & Recursive language

When a Turing Machine executes an input, there are 4 possible outcomes of execution.
Then the turning machine
i)                    Halts and accept the input
ii)                   Halts & rejects the input
iii)                 Never halts (fall into loop)
iv)                 Crash

The language accepted by Turning Machine is known as recursively enumerable.

A language is recursive if there exists a turning machine that accepts every string of the language & rejects every string that is not in the language.

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