Saturday, November 18, 2017

software enginnering questions


Group – A
  1.  Answer any ten Questions:                                                                               
i)                    Two tools for computing critical path and project completion times from activity networks are:      
a)  CPM and PERT      b) DRE and SQA         c) FP and LOC            d) none of these
ii)                     The linear sequential model of software development is also known as the:
a) Classical life cycle model       b) Spiral model c)   Waterfall model      d) both a) and c)
iii)                 The number of people required for a software project is determined: 
a) after an estimate of the development error is made
b) by the size of the project budget
c) from an assessment of the technical complexity of the system
d) all of these
iv)                   Which of the following items are not measured by software project metrics?
 a) inputs          b) markets       c) outputs         d) none of these
v)                  Software reliability problems can almost always be traced to
a) errors in requirements gathering                     b) errors in design and implementations
c) human error                                                  d) errors in operation 
vi)                 Outcome of requirement specification phase is
a) design document                                           b) develop an SRS
c) test the document                                          d) hand over the document
vii)               Alpha testing is done by
a) customer      b) developer     c) tester            d) all of these 

viii)                PERT stands for
                          a) Project Evaluation and Review Technique
                          b) People Evaluation and Review Technique
                          c) Project Estimation and Review Technique
                         d) Product Evaluation and Review Technique 
ix)                 Risk identification involves
a) Project risk               b) Technical risk           c)   Business risk           d) all of these
x)                  Prototype is a
a) mini model of the existing system                   b) mini model of the proposed system
c) working model of the existing system d) none of these 
xi)                 The model which reduces the cost of development of software is
a) water model             b) prototyping     c) Iterative      d) none of these
xii)                On an average, the programmer months is given by 3.6 * (KLOC)1.2.  If so, project requiring one thousand source instructions will require
a) 3.6 PM        b) 0.36 PM      c) 0.0036 PM  d) 7,23 PM 
xiii)              The combination of the top – down and the bottom – up approach may be referred to as an
a) integrative approach              b) interpretive approach
c) interactive approach              d) both b) and c)
xiv)             Problem analysis is done during
a) system design phase              b) system analysis phase
c) before system test                             d) all of these 
xv)               Coding and testing are done in a
a) top – down manner                           b) bottom – up manner
c) Ad hoc manner                                 d) cross – sectional manner 
xvi)               The Black – box concept
a) is invoked by describing a system in terms of inputs and outputs, leaving the transformation process a black box
b) assumes that the black box is independent
c) assumes that inputs and outputs will remain stable
d) all of these
xvii)            A graphic representation of an information system is called
a) flow chart     b) pictogram     c) data flow diagram     d) histogram
xviii)          To which phase of SDLC, is file conversion related?
a) system implementation                      b) system analysis
c) system development              d) system design   
xix)             The ratio of the relative levels of product development complexity for application, utility and system programs are
a) 3:1:9 b) 1:3:6            c) 1:3:9 d) 9:3:1 
xx)               Risk containment strategy is/are
a) avoid the risk      b) transfer the risk         c) risk reduction            d) all of these
xxi)             The four icons used in building DFDs are
a) flow, process, source / destination store        b) flow, source, store, process
c) flow, process, source, store                          d) source, process, destination, store  
xxii)             White Box testing is also known as
a) procedure testing                                          b) structural testing
c) performance testing                                       d) all of the above
xxiii)           Data dictionary keeps details of the contents of
a) data flow      b) data store     c) both the above          d) neither of the above
xxiv)           Which one is not a strategy for design?
a) bottom up design                              b) top down design
c) embedded design                              d) hybrid design
xxv)            Alpha testing is done by’
a) programmer              b) user              c) both a) and b)           d) none of these
xxvi)           A system does not interact with external environment is called
a) closed system           b) logical system           c) open system             d) hierarchical
xxvii)         The most important feature of Spiral model is:
a) quality management   b) maintenance c) risk assessment         d) none of these
xxviii)        Real time system is
a) distributing system                             b) maintaining system
c) operating system                               d) requirements system
xxix)          COCOMO is a 
a) heuristic estimation technique             b) empirical estimation system
c) analytical estimation system               d) none of these
xxx)           Which is the costliest phase of software development
a) analysis         b) maintenance c) coding          d) testing
  1.   Answer any five question:                                                                                           
a)      What is Acceptance Testing?
b)      What is Black Box Testing?
c)      What is the difference between verification and validation?
d)      What is CMM?
e)      What are the different Ways of doing Black Box testing?
f)        What does the McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity of a program determine?
g)      What is the difference between interoperability and compatibility testing with some examples?
h)      What is Gray Box Testing?
i)        What is Integration Testing?
j)        What is Quality Assurance?

  1. Answer any five questions:                                                                                                       
a.       Compare and contrast waterfall model and spiral model.   What do you mean by perfective maintenance?                                                                                                        
b.      What are the 4Ps of software project Management?                                                
c.       Explain Function Point Metric estimation method with example                   
d.      What are the different features of Formal Technical Review?                                    
e.       What do you mean by feasibility study?                                                                   
f.        What do you know by stub and drivers in integration testing?                                   
g.       State the advantage and disadvantage of LOC                                                        
h.       What is the difference between ISO 9001 and SEI/ CMM?                                    
i.         What are the different types of risks? Briefly explain each of them                
j.        What is SPMP? Why is it essential in software engineering?                                  
  1. Answer any two question:                                                                               
a.       List the process maturity levels in SEIs CMM.
b.      What are the prototyping approaches in software process?
c.       What are the characteristics of SRS?
d.      What are the different types of Cohesion?
e.       What is equivalence partitioning? What is a boundary value analysis?
f.        What are the various types of system testing?
g.       Write about the types of project plan.
h.       Write short note on the various estimation techniques.
i.         What are the types of software maintenance?
j.        What are the reasons behind to perform white box testing?

  1. Answer any two question:  
a) Draw the control flow graph for above program segment.
b) Determine the cyclomatic complexity for above program. ( Show all the intermediate steps in your computation ). 5 + 5
a) Briefly discuss McCall’s quality factors.
b) What are the main functions of Quality Assurance Group ( QAG ) ?              

V. Write short notes (any two):                                                                        
            a) Work breakdown structure
            b) SDLC
            c) Work breakdown structure
            d) System testing
a.       Write the formulate for development effort and time estimation with respect to basic COCOMO Model.
b) Assume that the size of an organic software product has been estimated to be 50,000 lines of source code. Assume that the average salary of each software engineer is 18,000 per month. Determine the effort required to develop the software product and the nominal development time.                                                         


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